Wednesday, January 5, 2011

4 months of braces!

1/1/2011 - New Year's Day in Utah





Happy New Year! As you can see, my teeth have made lots of progress over the past three weeks. I had my last adjustment on 12/29 and they put small powerchains on the front four teeth so they are moving together fast and furious. The front two teeth are almost touching and the gaps are now gone between the incisors and my front teeth. Of course, I now have some bigger gaps next to my incisors, but I think they look better already with the front four coming in. The plan is to straighten and bring the front four together and then work on the remaining space in the next adjustment.

During my adjustment, I chatted with the ortho assistant about band colors. She suggested blue, but after sticking blue powerchains on the front I decided to go back to the more inconspicuous silver. I know I need to avoid curry like the plague since yellow bands aren't particularly attractive. :)

Today, I got a reminder that it's time to see my oral surgeon. Hard to believe that it's been just over 6 months since my surgery! I'm eagerly anticipating my next surgery since the sooner I have the surgery, the sooner this process will be behind me. If all goes well, by New Year's 2012 I will be flashing my brand-new debraced grin.


  1. I just came upon your blog and I had to sit and read the whole thing - I'm facing a similar situation as you, except 10 years behind. In one consultation about a year ago, I was even told I would need to have SARPE and braces and possible jaw surgery (50-50 chance) within the next ten years or I would see bone/teeth loss. This has been so informative from a patient point-of-view - even though I went through this when I was young (10 years old until I was almost 13), I know that my body will handle the whole thing differently being an adult, not to mention being in a professional setting when you're expected to interact and speak with clients on a regular basis! Thanks for the updates, I plan to follow and will probably start my own blog when my journey officially begins.

  2. Thanks Nikki for your comments! My co-workers have been amazing throughout the whole thing (even when I was lisping and whistling through my expander!). I think it’s actually better to go through it now as an adult when people are kinder. :) Keep me posted on what you decide to do and feel free to contact me with any questions.
