Friday, August 3, 2012

Braces Off Pictures!

Hi there! Hope everyone is having a great summer. I want to thank Pixie Pops and some others who've reminded me that I'm long past due in posting my debraced face. Below is my picture the day my braces came off on 12/27/11:

After I got my braces off I was still not satisfied with the way my teeth looked. My teeth had brown spots which were more prominent now that my smiler was wider. The discoloration on my teeth was a direct result of too much fluoride as a kid or "fluorosis" which doesn't respond to traditional whitening techniques. I also had a large black triangle between my front teeth and the gum line since my orthodontist couldn't get my teeth to move completely straight together.

I had known for a while I wanted to get veneers to fix the discoloration, but I also wanted to get rid of the black triangle in between my front teeth. After five months of having my braces off and being diligent about wearing my retainers, my dentist felt my teeth were stable enough (i.e. not moving) to update my smile with veneers. I ended up getting eight veneers. My dentist was able to close the space between the front two teeth and completely whiten my smile. Below are the results from 5/30/12: